Computer gk questions: Exploring 100 important MCQs for CCC, DCA, Smart commerce and other one day exam

Computer MCQs:

Computer gk questions : In this post we exploring Computer questions for CCC, DCA, Smart commerce and other one day exam.

Computer gk questions: Exploring Computer questions for CCC, DCA, Smart commerce and other one day exam

Computer gk questions: 50 General Questions

  1. What is the official language of computer?
    a. C++
    b. java
    c. Python
    d. Binary Code
  2. What is CTRL + B used for in MS Word?
    a. to bold text
    b. To italicize text
    c. To save the page
    d. To format paragraph
  3. What is the full name of RAM in computer?
    a. Random Access Memory
    b. Read Only Memory
    c. Random Only Memory
    d. Real Access Memory
  4. What is an example of word processing software?
    a. photoshop
    b. excel
    c. MS Word or Libre office Write
    d. PowerPoint
  5. What should be done first to stay safe on the Internet?
    a. use shortest password
    b. self-review
    c. Install good antivirus software
    d. Share social information across websites
  6. What does GUI mean in computer science?
    a. General User Interface
    b. Graphical User Interface
    c. Geographical User Interface
    d. Generalized User Interaction
  7. What is word processing software used for?
    a. to make a photograph
    b. to store data
    c. to prepare documents
    d. to create a slide show
  8. What is the synonym of the word amount?
    a. Quantity
    b. Quality
    c. size
    d. volume
  9. What is the special display option for Windows operating system called?
    a. Control Panel
    b. Taskbar
    c. Desktop
    d. Start Menu
  10. What is the full name of LAN in computer network?
    a. Local Access Network
    b. Large Area Network
    c. Local Area Network
    d. Logical Area Network
  11. What is the full name of CPU?
    a. Central Processing Unit
    b. Computer Peripheral Unit
    c. Central Printing Unit
    d. Central Power Unit
  12. Which is the main language in computers?
    a. java
    b. BASIC
    c. Assembly Language
    d. Machine Language
  13. How many bits are there in a byte?
    a. 4
    b. 8
    c. 16
    d. 32
  14. What is the resolution of a computer screen?
    a. 800×600
    b. 1024×768
    c. 1280×1024
    d. 1920×1080
  15. What else is a file called in word processing software?
    a. Document
    b. slides
    c. spreadsheet
    d. database
  16. What is the full name of Internet?
    a. International Network
    b. Internal Network
    c. Interconnected Network
    d. Internet Network
  17. What is Word Excel used for?
    a. to calculate
    b. to make a graph
    c. to prepare documents
    d. for photography
  18. What is a method used to prove a proof?
    a. Authentication
    b. Encryption
    c. Authorization
    d. Decryption
  19. What is called computer virus?
    a. a type of software
    b. computer hardware
    c. a program that enters illegally
    d. an internet protocol
  20. What is the extension of Music file?
    a. .exe
    b. .doc
    c. .mp3
    d. .zip
  21. What is full form of ‘www’?
    a. Web World Wide
    b. World Wide Web
    c. Web Wide World
    d. Wide World Web
  22. Who invented the computer mouse?
    a. Steve Jobs
    b. Douglas Engelbart
    c. Bill Gates
    d. Tim Berners-Lee
  23. What is the full name of HTML?
    a. Hyperlink Text Markup Language
    b. Hyper Transfer Markup Language
    c. Hyper Text Makeup Language
    d. HyperText Markup Language
  24. How can a website be viewed without internet?
    a. by code
    b. in offline mode
    c. from cache memory
    d. after all
  25. What is the full name of PCI?
    a. Personal Computer Interface
    b. Peripheral Computer Input
    c. Personal Computer Input
    d. Peripheral Component Interconnect
  26. What function does Firmware perform in a computer system?
    a. creates software
    b. makes hardware
    c. Combines software and hardware to work together
    d. saves data
  27. Why are computer networks used?
    a. to share data
    b. to send email
    c. to surf the internet
    d. after all
  28. What is a software license?
    a. a partition agreement
    b. software code
    c. use of software
    d. software rights
  29. What is the name of a person used to establish an identity established by the Internet?
    a. Password
    b. Username
    c. Credential
    d. Authentication
  30. What are the two buttons of a computer mouse used for?
    a. to click
    b. to double-click
    c. to drag
    d. All of the above
  31. What is a software type for computer virus?
    a. Firewall
    b. Antivirus
    c. Spyware
    d. malware
  32. What is the full name of e-mail?
    a. Electronic Mail
    b. Electric Mail
    c. Email Message
    d. Electronically Mailed
  33. What is the commonly used protocol of Internet Protocol?
    a. TCP/IP
    b. ftp
    c. http
    d. DNS
  34. What is the meaning of GUI in computer science?
    a. Graphic User Interaction
    b. Generalized User Interface
    c. Geographical User Interaction
    d. Graphical User Interface
  35. One of the most important units of a computer is?
    a. alu
    b. CPU
    c. RAM
    d. HDD
  36. Which is the alternative to Windows operating system?
    a. Linux
    b. Unix
    c. Windows
    d. DOS
  37. What is the full name of database?
    a. Data Block System
    b. Data Storage System
    c. Database System
    d. Data Server
  38. What is computer software?
    a. a type of hardware
    b. computer lifestyle
    c. set of programs and their data
    d. a sanitation system
  39. What is the function of file system?
    a. storing files
    b. organize files
    c. view files
    d. after all
  40. What is Outlook Express for?
    a. Web browsing
    b. E-mail
    c. site designing
    d. web development
  41. What is the full name of HTML?
    a. Hyper Text Transfer Markup Language
    b. High Tech Text Manipulation Language
    c. Hyper Transfer Text Markup Language
    d. Hyper Transfer Technology Markup Language
  42. What is the transfer layer of Internet Protocol?
    a. Layer 1
    b. Layer 2
    c. Layer 3
    d. Layer 4
  43. What is the transmission method of computer virus?
    a. Email Attachment
    b. Instant Messaging
    c. File Sharing
    d. All of the above
  44. Who is the founder of Google?
    a. Bill Gates
    b. Mark Zuckerberg
    c. Larry Page and Sergey Brin
    d. Jeff Bezos
  45. What is the operating system used in smartphones?
    a. Windows
    b. macOS
    c. Android
    d. Linux
  46. What is the name of a browser related to Internet?
    a. Safari
    b. photoshop
    c. Microsoft Word
    d. excel
  47. What is the best device for storing data in a computer?
    a. Hard Disk Drive (HDD)
    b. Random Access Memory (RAM)
    c. Central Processing Unit (CPU)
    d. Solid State Drive (SSD)
  48. What is an example of an input device?
    a. monitor
    b. printer
    c. keyboard
    d. speaker
  49. What is called by computer mouse?
    a. pointing device
    b. input device
    c. output device
    d. storage device
  50. What is the URL of a website?
    a. Universal Resource Locator
    b. Uniform Resource Locator
    c. Unique Resource Locator
    d. Unified Resource Locator

MCQs for CCC

Libre Office MCQs for CCC and O Level Exam

Computer gk questions: MS Powerpoint 20 Questions

  1. What is PowerPoint?
    a. a web browser
    b. an operating system
    c. a presentation software
    d. a text editor
  2. What is called slide in slide show?
    a. text box
    b. image
    c. Page
    d. text line
  3. Why are slide transitions used?
    a. To show the slides well
    b. To relate a slide to another slide
    c. To change slides automatically
    d. to hide the slide
  4. What are the keys for slide navigation?
    a. space bar
    b. Enter
    c. arrow keys
    d. All of the above
  5. Which tool will you use to slide or hide a text box?
    a. TextAlign
    b. Font Style
    c. slide show
    d. animation
  6. What is WordArt?
    a. a browser
    b. a presentation design tool
    c. an image editing software
    d. an audio software
  7. What is the template for slide show?
    a. a design pattern
    b. single file storage
    c. a program
    d. an audio file
  8. What is the advantage of slide sorting for slide show?
    a. Helps slides look fresh
    b. Helps to show slides in required order
    c. Helps show slides in index
    d. Helps to display slides in different templates
  9. What is Slide Master?
    a. master database
    b. Design Elements Related to Master Slides
    c. master password
    d. master server
  10. How to add audio or video to a slide show?
    a. Insert > Media
    b. Format > Audio/Video
    c. Design > Multimedia
    d. Slide Show > Audio/Video
  11. How to create a hyperlink in a slide show?
    a. Insert > Hyperlink
    b. Format > Hyperlink
    c. Design > Hyperlink
    d. Slide Show > Hyperlink
  12. How are graphics mounted in a slide show?
    a. Insert > Image
    b. Format > Graphics
    c. Design > Picture
    d. Slide Show > Animation
  13. How to change the background color for a slide show?
    a. Format > Background
    b. Design > Color Scheme
    c. Slide Show > Background
    d. Insert > Color Fill
  14. How to import data in different formats into Slide Show?
    a. Insert > Data
    b. Format > Import
    c. Design > Data Source
    d. Slide Show > Data Import
  15. How can different layouts be selected in a slide show?
    a. Slide Show > Layout
    b. Design > Slide Layout
    c. Format > Choose Layout
    d. Insert > Slide Design
  16. Which formats can be used to save slide shows?
    a. .ppt
    b. .pdf
    c. .docx
    d. .xls
  17. How can slides be copied in a slide show?
    a. Copy > Paste
    b. Duplicate
    c. Copy Slide
    d. Slide > Copy
  18. Which option is used to automatically enlarge the slide show?
    a. Slide Show > Auto Advance
    b. Format > Auto Play
    c. Design > Auto Slide
    d. Slide Transition > Automatic
  19. How to set a timer for a slide show?
    a. Slide Show > Timer
    b. Format > Timing
    c. Slide Transition > Timer
    d. Design > Slide Timer
  20. How to add background music during a slide show?
    a. Slide Show > Music
    b. Insert > Audio
    c. Format > Background Music
    d. Design > Slide Audio

Computer gk questions: 20 Questions MS Word

  1. What is Excel?
    a. a text editing software
    b. a presentation software
    c. a spreadsheet software
    d. a gaming software
  2. How many links are there in a sheet in Excel?
    a. 50
    b. 100
    c. 256
    d. 500
  3. How to locate a cell in Excel?
    a. Column Number
    b. Row Number
    c. Cell Address
    d. Both a and b
  4. What are the options for grouping columns in Excel?
    a. Group Columns
    b. Merge Columns
    c. Hide Columns
    d. Both a and c
  5. What are the techniques for editing cells in Excel?
    a. Cut and Paste
    b. Copy and Paste
    c. Drag and Drop
    d. All of the above
  6. What is a function in Excel?
    a. an engineering component
    b. a situation or action
    c. a non-multiple exchange
    d. a depressed person
  7. What is the use of SUM function in Excel?
    a. employment census
    b. add all names
    c. sorting a list
    d. draw
  8. What is the name of thoughtful chart in Excel?
    a. Line Chart
    b. Bar Chart
    c. Pie Chart
    d. Scatter Chart
  9. What are filters used for in Excel?
    a. to hide data
    b. To display fresh data
    c. To filter data based on different values
    d. to save data
  10. What are the options for creating charts in Excel?
    a. Insert > Chart
    b. Format > Chart
    c. Design > Chart
    d. Both a and c
  11. How to hide sheets in Excel?
    a. Right-click > Hide
    b. Format > Hide Sheet
    c. View > Hide Sheet
    d. Both a and c
  12. How is data sorted in Excel?
    a. Data > Sort
    b. Format > Sort
    c. View > Sort
    d. Both a and b
  13. How can data be stored between different sheets in Excel?
    a. Data Copy-Paste
    b. Data Linking
    c. data merging
    d. data sorting
  14. What is data validation used for in Excel?
    a. data security
    b. data selection
    c. data column
    d. data collection
  15. What does the Linkedin formula mean in Excel?
    a. Editing a formula with other cells
    b. Making a specific value of a cell
    c. Linking a cell to other cells
    d. open a cell multiply by y cells
  16. How to add text to a sheet in Excel?
    a. Right-click > Insert Text
    b. Format > Insert Text
    c. Insert > Text
    d. Both a and c
  17. What is Excel macro in Excel?
    a. a format
    b. a big screen
    c. a quick action list
    d. an automated task list
  18. What are the formats that can be used to save a file in Excel?
    a. .xls
    b. .xlsx
    c. .csv
    d. All of the above
  19. What are the options for data security in Excel?
    a. Password Protection
    b. Data Encryption
    c. Data Validation
    d. All of the above
  20. What are the ways in which you can copy data in Excel?
    a. Copy-Paste
    b. Fill Handle
    c. Drag and Drop
    d. All of the above
  1. What is the full name of UPI?
    a. Unified Payment Interface
    b. Universal Payment Integration
    c. Unified Personal Identification
    d. Universal Payment Instrument
  2. What does ‘FD’ mean in banking?
    a. Fixed Deposit
    b. Foreign Demand
    c. Flexible Disbursement
    d. Financial Division
  3. By what name is the general savings account of the bank known?
    a. Current Account
    b. Recurring Deposit
    c. Savings Account
    d. Fixed Deposit
  4. What does ‘ATM’ mean?
    a. Automatic Teller Machine
    b. Advanced Transaction Mechanism
    c. Automated Transfer Module
    d. All Time Money
  5. What is the smallest monetary unit in bank?
    a. Rupee
    b. Money
    c. rupiah
    d. dollars
  6. What is the year of establishment of Reserve Bank of India (RBI)?
    a. 1935
    b. 1947
    c. 1950
    d. 1969
  7. What is UPI used for?
    a. trade relations
    b. student relations
    c. catering relationship
    d. financial relationship
  8. What does ‘NPA’ mean in bank?
    a. Non-Personal Account
    b. Net Profit Allocation
    c. Non-Performing Asset
    d. National Payment Authority
  9. What can the UPI system be used for?
    a. online payment
    b. money transaction
    c. business transaction
    d. after all
  10. What is Indian Banking Association (IBA)?
    a. an organization of banks
    b. Banking Health Organization
    c. Banking Services Association
    d. multiple banking related organizations
    b. a big screen
    c. a quick action list
    d. an automated task list

computer gk questions in hindi :


1.d. Binary Code
2.a. to bold text
3.a. Random Access Memory
4.c. MS Word
5.c. Install good antivirus software
6.b. Graphical User Interface
7.c. to prepare documents
8.a. Quantity

  1. c. Desktop
  2. c. Local Area Network

11.a. Central Processing Unit
12.d. Machine Language
13.b. 8
14.d. 1920×1080
15.a. Document
16.b. World Wide Web

  1. c. to prepare documents
  2. a. Authentication
  3. c. a program that enters illegally
  4. c. .mp3

21.b. World Wide Web
22.b. Douglas Engelbart
23.d. HyperText Markup Language
24.b. in offline mode
25.d. Peripheral Component Interconnect
26.c. Combines software and hardware to work together
27.a. to share data
28.d. software rights
29.b. Username
30.d. after all

31.b. Antivirus
32.a. Electronic Mail
33.a. TCP/IP
34.d. Graphical User Interface
35.b. CPU
36.c. Windows
37.c. Database System
38.c. set of programs and their data
39.b. organize files
40.b. E-mail

41.a. Hyper Text Transfer Markup Language
42.c. Layer 3
43.d. All of the above
44.c. Larry Page and Sergey Brin

  1. c. Android
  2. a. Safari
  3. a. Hard Disk Drive (HDD)
  4. c. keyboard
  5. a. pointing device
  6. b. Uniform Resource Locator

Computer MCQs: Powerpoint Answer

  1. c. a presentation software
  2. c. Page
  3. c. To change slides automatically
  4. d. All of the above
  5. d. animation
  6. b. a presentation design tool
  7. a. a design pattern
  8. b. Helps to show slides in required order
  9. b. Design Elements Related to Master Slides
  10. d. Slide Show > Audio/Video

61. a. Insert > Hyperlink

  1. c. Design > Picture
    63.a. Format > Background
    64.a. Insert > Data
    65.b. Design > Slide Layout
    66.a. .ppt
    67.b. Duplicate
    68.d. Slide Transition > Automatic
    69.c. Slide Transition > Timer
    70.b. Insert > Audio

Computer MCQs: Excel Answer

  1. 71. c. a spreadsheet software
    72.c. 256
    73.c. Cell Address
    74.d. Both a and c
    75.d. All of the above
    76.b. a situation or action
    77.b. add all names
    78.c. Pie Chart
  2. 79. c. To filter data based on different values
    80.d. Both a and c
    81.a. Right-click > Hide
    82.a. Data > Sort
    83.b. Data Linking
    84.a. data security
    85.a. Editing a formula with other cells
    86.d. Both a and c
  3. 87. c. a quick action list
  4. 88. d. All of the above
    89.d. All of the above
    90.d. All of the above
    91.a. Unified Payment Interface
    92.a. Fixed Deposit
    93.c. Savings Account
    94.a. Automatic Teller Machine
    95.b. Money
    96.a. 1935
    97.a. Commercial Transactions
  5. 98. c. Non-Performing Asset
    99.d. All of the above
    100.a. An association of banks (Indian Banking Association)

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